Monday, March 19, 2018

Dogwood Bloomwatch Update 3/19/2018

 Davey Dogwood Park is opening up!  

As of Monday, March 3rd, the dogwoods are in the early to mid stages of opening, just in time for the first weekend of the Dogwood Trails Celebration!

The blossoms are mixed in with leafing foliage due to the unusually winter season that went from cold to warm and back to cold in January and February.
Early coloring of the native dogwoods in bloom feature an off-white or almost yellow-ish bloom, which as it matures, will turn bright white.  Blossoms will average between 3" and 4" when fully developed.

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Spring Teasers!

A quick drive through the Historic Districts landed our eyes upon these beautiful examples of late winter blooms which mark the beginning of the Blooming Season in Palestine, Texas.  Once the Redbuds are in bloom, we start tracking the dogwoods to bloom approximately 2 weeks later.  

Redbud blooming in Davey Dogwood Park Feb 26, 2018

Tulip Trees provide a beautiful pop of color Feb 26, 2018
Red Camelias in bloom on Cedar St  Feb 26, 2018